Advanced Certificate in Systematic Kingdom Theology, Leadership and Eschatology

This Course offers mature students and those already in Ministry an Enhanced understanding of Kingdom Theology, Kingdom Leadership, Church History and Eschatology.

Advanced 5(1 Ratings) 25 Students enrolled English
Created by Apostle George
Last updated Tue, 16-Aug-2022
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Course overview

This Course offers mature students and those already in Ministry an Enhanced understanding of Kingdom Theology, Kingdom Leadership, Church History and Eschatology.

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Curriculum for this course
140 Lessons 00:08:24 Hours
Course 300: Constitution of the Kingdom
1 Lessons 00:00:39 Hours
  • Introduction to Course 300
    Preview 00:00:39
Course 301: Understanding Elohim
17 Lessons 00:00:29 Hours
  • Introduction to Course 301
    Preview 00:00:29
  • Preamble & Introduction
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  • The Essence and Immutable Attributes of Elohim
  • The Triune God: Unravelling the mystery of Unity in Trinity (Part 1)
  • The Triune Elohim (Part 2): Apprehending Unity of the Godhead.
  • From Call to Manifestation, Embrace Divine Process Part 1
  • The revelation of Yahweh as Heavenly Father through various Dispensations
  • Necessity of knowing Yeshua + Key Truths for Discipleship
  • True Theology Transforms Life by Ministry of Holy Spirit and The Word
  • The Godhead and reality of The Incarnation, Divine Order and Authority
  • Strange Truths About Personhood of Elohim covered by Veil of Religion
  • Intimacy with Elohim and communication
  • Need to know the Meaning and Significance of the Names of Elohim
  • References to the Names of Elohim (Part 2)
  • Revisiting 6 Ways to Know Elohim + 20 Outcomes of knowing Him
  • True Worship should be ascribed to Elohim alone
  • The Ultimate Purpose of Elohim is that we enjoy eternity with Him!
Course 302: Understanding Yeshua Ha Mashiach, Jesus the Messiah
19 Lessons 00:00:36 Hours
  • Hindrances to Pure Manifestation of Holy Spirit in the Church
  • Introduction to Course 302
    Preview 00:00:36
  • Prologue
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  • Why was The Incarnation Necessary?
  • The Kingdom Adam Lost, the Second Adam recovered.
  • The Pre-Existent Yeshua
  • The Yeshua, Jesus of Prophecy
  • The Yeshua, Jesus of Prophecy (Part 2)
  • Dimension No.3: The Incarnate Yeshua
  • Two more Dimensions: The Paschal Lamb + The Risen and Glorified Adonai
  • Sovereign Ruler; King of the Kingdom; King of the Earth; Part of Mystery of Godhead
  • 20 Offices of Yeshua, Jesus
  • The Alpha Church, Divine Identity and Name of Yeshua, Jesus
  • What the Name of Yeshua, Jesus secures for His Church
  • Non-Trinitarian Theologies: The Pseudo-Kingdom Movement + Others
  • The ‘Other Jesus’ of Rome and Creed Based Trinity
  • The Other Jesus of Protestantism
  • Some Critical Issues to consider
  • Epilogue
Course 303: Holy Spirit: Who He Is and What He does
13 Lessons 00:00:34 Hours
  • Introduction to Course 303
    Preview 00:00:34
  • Developing Intimate Positive Relationship with Holy Spirit
  • 6 Negative Relationship Types & Patterns
  • Hindrances to Pure Manifestation of Holy Spirit in the Church
  • Additional Hindrances to Pure Manifestation of Holy Spirit
  • Receiving Holy Spirit in Demonstrative Dimension (Baptism)
  • Some Salient Points: Basis of Fresh Infilling
  • 10 Outcomes When the Truth of Him & the Kingdom Church sinks in
  • Leadership of Holy Spirit: The Ultimate Index of Sonship
  • How Holy Spirit Speaks and Leads Us
  • Holy Spirit and the Physical Human Body
  • One of the Ultimate Assignments of Holy Spirit
  • Epilogue
    Preview .
Course 304: Kingdom Leadership
15 Lessons 00:00:22 Hours
  • Introduction to Course 304
    Preview 00:00:22
  • Preamble – the Crises in Church leadership
    Preview .
  • Course Synopsis, Leadership Profile and Kingdom leadership principles of Yeshua
  • Leadership Profile and Kingdom leadership principles of Yeshua Part 2
  • Leadership Profile and Kingdom leadership principles of Yeshua Part 3
  • The Master Plan for Kingdom Leadership - Patterns and Principles from Paul
  • The Master Plan for Kingdom Leadership - Patterns and Principles from Paul Part 2
  • Leadership Principles/Guidance in the Epistles to Timothy
  • Leadership Guidance in the Epistles to Timothy Part 2 + Epistle to Titus
  • Leadership principles and precepts from Apostle Peter
  • Additional Instructions on Leadership and Authority
  • The doctrine and pattern of leadership as taught by John
  • Critical Issues in Kingdom Leadership
  • Kingdom Compensation Plan for Leadership
  • Epilogue How Yeshua tackled complex leadership Challenges + Pathway for Redemption
Course 305: Priesthood and the Kingdom Church
20 Lessons 00:00:54 Hours
  • Introduction to Course 305
    Preview 00:00:54
  • Introduction: Basic Concepts of Priesthood
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  • Unrighteous Priesthood of the Dispensation Before the Law: Nimrodic
  • The Levitical Priesthood as Mediator of the Old Covenant
  • The Priesthood of Melchizedek
  • Why the Remnant cannot Cling to Defunct Priestly Orders
  • The Plot Against the Priestly Order of Melchizedek
  • Escaping the Allure of Nimrodic and Levitical Patterns
  • Hindrances to Avoid
  • Role of Signs, Wonders & Miracles in the Great Commission
  • Debunking basis of the Pseudo-kingdom
  • Some Salient Issues regarding The Great Commission
  • Better, Together!
  • Rewards of Faithful Participants in the Great Commission
  • The Expanded Epilogue
    Preview .
  • Ultimate Outcome of the Melchizedeck Priesthood is the empowered Body of King Yeshua, Jesus
  • Universal & Eternal: The two-fold pillars of the Melchizedeck Priesthood
  • Hindrances and Opportunities of Melchizedeck Priesthood
  • Question & Answers (1)
  • Questions & Answers (2)
    Preview .
Course 306: Strategic Kingdom Leadership
14 Lessons 00:00:39 Hours
  • Introduction to Course 306
    Preview 00:00:39
  • Introduction: Context, Definition, 7 Dimensions and Synopsis
  • Kingdom Concept of Leadership + Profile
  • Responsibility #.1: To Yahweh, our heavenly Father and Yeshua The Lord.
  • Responsibility #2 Responsibilities to the leader him/herself
  • Dimension #.3 Responsibilities towards the Family
  • Dimension #4 Responsibilities to the flock of Yeshua, Jesus
  • Dimension #.5 Responsibilities to the host Community
  • Dimension #.5 Responsibilities to the host Community
  • Dimension #.6 Responsibilities Toward Government and Political Authorities
  • Dimension #.7 Responsibilities to other Leaders over the Leader
  • Context, Content, and Outcomes
  • Some Keywords and Traits of Strategic Kingdom Leaders
  • Conclusion: Additional Keywords and Traits of Kingdom Leaders (2)
Course 307: The Ascension Office-Gifts (Five-Fold Leadership Gifts)
1 Lessons 00:00:33 Hours
  • Introduction to Course 307
    Preview 00:00:33
Course 308: Dispensations, Seasons and Times
1 Lessons 00:00:41 Hours
  • Introduction to Course 308
    Preview 00:00:41
Course 309: Understanding the End Times
17 Lessons 00:00:31 Hours
  • Introduction to Course 309
    Preview 00:00:31
  • Prologue
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  • 4 Imperatives + Strengthening the Divine Firewall through Faith Actions
  • The Single Thread holding End Time Prophecies Together
  • The Promise and Timing of Restoration of the Kingdom
  • Beginning of End Times + 4 Tracks of Prophecy
  • Times of the Gentiles (1)
  • The Candidates for Feet of Iron and Clay: The United Nations
  • The European Union as Potential Candidate for Feet of Iron & Clay in Daniel
  • USA as possible Feet of Iron & Clay Part 1
  • The USA as possible Feet of Iron & Clay (Part 2)
  • USA as possible ‘Feet of Iron & Clay Part 3
  • Section C: Fulfilled Prophecies (1)
  • Fulfilled Prophecies concerning Ingathering of Israel
  • Fulfilled Biblical Prophecies and those unfolding in this generation - Part B
  • Fulfilled & Unfolding Prophecies Part 4
  • What Next? The Rapture (1)
Course 310: 7 Letters from Heaven
19 Lessons 00:00:36 Hours
  • Introduction to Course 310
    Preview 00:00:36
  • Case Study of the 7 Churches of Asia Minor
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  • Background of the 7 Letters
  • Background Information
  • Ephesus – The Church that lost its first love (Part 1)
  • The Audit Report by Yeshua on Ephesus
  • The Audit Report by Yeshua on the Church at Ephesus Part 2
  • The Seemingly Poor but Truly Rich Church of Smyrna
  • Letter #.3. To the Church at Pergamos
  • Letter #.4. The Corrupted Church at Thyatira
  • Letter #.5. The Seemingly living but spiritually dead Church of Sardis
  • Letter #.6. The Small but Faithful Remnant Church of Philadelphia
  • Letter #.7. The Lukewarm and Proud Babylonian Church of Laodicea
  • A Strategic Overview of Key issues in the Letters of Yeshua to the Seven Churches
  • Digging Deeper into context of the Letters of Yeshua, Jesus to the 7 Churches
  • Overcomers
  • Common Denominator: Falling Away from Truth
  • The Lost Truth: Judgement Days are coming + Eternity of Bliss or Damnation!
  • The mindset and lifestyle which overcomes
Course 311: Apocalypse Decoded – Systematic Commentary on the Book of Revelation
1 Lessons 00:00:34 Hours
  • Introduction to Course 311
    Preview 00:00:34
Course 312: Completing the Unfinished Reformation
1 Lessons 00:00:46 Hours
  • Introduction to Course 312
    Preview 00:00:46
Course 313: Kingdom Culture Lifestyle
1 Lessons 00:00:30 Hours
  • Introduction to Course 313
    Preview 00:00:30
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About instructor

Apostle George

Apostle George Akalonu and his wife, Pastor Grace Akalonu were called out of denominational Christianity in 1996 and set apart by the Lord to be instruments of connecting, manifesting and empowering saints to function as His one single Body and Kingdom Church held together by Love.

3 Reviews | 74 Students | 3 Courses
Apostle George Akalonu and his wife, Pastor Grace Akalonu were called out of denominational Christianity in 1996 and set apart by the Lor...
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  • Samuel Honour