Welcome to The GSOM Online Learning Portal

This is a School of Ministry with a difference!

We offer a world changing understanding of the Gospel of the Kingdom as well as opportunity for character development necessary for empowerment to function as Ambassadors of the Kingdom in all nations of the earth.

After serving as Ministers in a holiness denomination for 7 and 8 years respectively, The Lord called out Apostle George and Pastor Grace Akalonu in 1996 to be instruments of raising manpower for the final harvest and connecting the remnant. 100 years after Azusa Street Revival, the Lord used them in 2006 to launch Global School of Ministry in London, United Kingdom to promote Restoration of the Fivefold (Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers) who would in turn collectively activate emergence of the Royal Priesthood after the Order of Melchizedek.